Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in The Way everlasting. Psalms 139:23-24
Mother's Day is time of joy thanking God for the gift of your life and our mothers, but it is a time that can bring great sorrow and pain. I pray that you will feel God's presence with you today and always. No matter what you are going through you were made in God's love to be His child for good and not evil. I pray that you will accept Jesus Christ and know God as your Heavenly Father. Pray, remember, and encourage those listed below and know without doubt, no matter your circumstances God loves you and has great plans for you and will renew you. I'm praying for you. In Christ's love-
Pray for all people(men, women, teens, boys, and girls) this Mother’s Day and always:
*Those whose mother is sick.*Those who do not know the woman who gave them birth.*Those who may be angry with their mother.*Those of whose mother has passed away.*Those whose mother did not take care of them or love them as they needed to be loved.*Pray for the women who desires to give birth and have children but are unable to.*Pray for the women who are a foster parent.*Pray for the women are mothers of adopted children.*Pray for the women who want to adopt children.*Pray for the mothers of physically or mentally handicapped children.*Pray for the women who are pregnant. *Pray for the mothers whose child or children are sick.*Pray for the mothers who have missing children and do not know where they are.*Pray for the mothers whose child or children have died.*Pray for the mothers who are lonely, sad, depressed and hurting.*Pray for the military mothers (they and their family members who are military)*Pray for the single mothers.*Pray for the career mothers.*Pray for the stay at home/working mothers. *Pray for non-believing mothers.
*Pray for Christian mothers.*Pray for the mothers who are married to an unbeliever.
*Prayer for all mothers, and everyone who has and will be born:
May your Love O God fill their every need and heal their mind, body, soul, and heart.
May they feel your presence and may they be comforted. May they truly believe and know you as their Heavenly Father and your Son Jesus as their Savior. May you O Lord guide them and protect them in all their ways. May they become children of God…for you know them and know the plans you have for them. May the joy of the Lord be theirs today & always.
Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27