❤️Join "I Love My Heart Journey" Team. The goal is to love your heart by having fun as we make heart healthy choices each day in the way we eat, think, & live...believing the journey & life is worth it. E-mail me @ [email protected]
❤️Your I Love My Heart journey should include activities that are best for your health level. I have made a list of activities that you can choose from each day to encourage you to include 30 minutes of exercise each day. Always talk to your doctor about which activities are best for you and what Heart Rate range is best for you, especially if you are on any medications. Stay hydrated by drinking water at least every 30min. If you feel out of breath, lightheaded, or dizzy-stop and rest until you feel better & stable. Remember, this is your journey-it's all about what's best for you & your heart. ❤️May you enjoy your heart healthy journey in the days ahead!
⭐️30 minute Heart Healthy Activities:
❤️Rowing (canoe, kayak, or join a Rowing Team)
❤️Swimming (Laps)
❤️Walking your dog & playing fetch & tug of war him/her
❤️Jump Rope
❤️Putt-Putt (not on a crowded day)
❤️Flag Football
❤️Throwing the Frisbee
❤️Housecleaning (Mopping, vacuuming, sweeping, dusting)
⭐️Hope this list helps you to include 30 minutes of activity 5x a week and to enjoy each moment. And for those who are already active...fantastic! May we all humbly encourage those around us to enjoy life in a heart healthy way.❤️
❤️Join me Sept 12th for the Tarrant County American Heart Associatiion HeartWalk. To join my team or make a donation Google-Sherry Fairless' Heart Walk...then click on the link to go to my page.
Thanks for your active part in loving your heart journey and helping others on their journey to a healthier heart.