Orange Creamcicle Smoothie Recipe by NewBodyForU/Sherry Fairless
1 cup plain Chobani Greek yogurt
1/2 cup Blue Diamond Almond-Coconut milk
1/4 cup Thai Unsweetened Coconut Milk
1/6 can of Minute Maid Frozen Concentrate Orange Juice
1 cup Frozen No Sugar Added Sliced Peaches
Calories 420, Saturated Fat 8g, Unsaturated Fat 2g, Sodium 181mg, Protein 22.5g, Fiber 2.5 g, Sugars 43g (Natural sugars), Potassium 720%, Vitamin C 440%, Vitamin E 25%, Calcium 82%
1/2 serving -210 calories
Summertime memories as a kid for me include creamcicles😄 yum!! So the other day I had a craving for one but wanted a healthy smoothie version. So I came up with this recipe and it is delicious and very satisfying!!
It also has lots of vitamins & nutritious elements your body needs daily. It's great for breakfast or a post workout reward. I hope you enjoy this summer recipe as much as I do and feel great like a kid again!☀️